When you've been procrastinating about completing a task, just ask yourself, "What's the immediate next step needed to move this forward?" By breaking down a seemingly daunting task into its most basic next step, you'll find it a little more surmountable.
- Clean the basement --> Bring in trash bins
- Make plans to celebrate Father's Day with Dad --> Call Dad to ask him if there's something specific he'd like to do.
- Prepare for Friday's meeting --> Review notes from last meeting
- File auto insurance claim --> Gather information about the accident (involved parties, police report, witnesses' contact info) and have all of it in front of me.
- Brought in trash bins --> Create spaces for "trash," "recycle," donate to charity" and put the trash bins in the "trash" space
- Called Dad --> Find the phone number of the Italian restaurant he would like to go to
- Reviewed notes from last meeting --> Write down any relevant points from the last meeting that will be important for me to revisit
- Gathered information about the accident --> Locate the phone number of my insurance representative.
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